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  • christianinstitution@gmail.com

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Subjects for GNM 1st year :-

  1. 1.Bio-Science:- Anatomy & Physiology, Microbiology.
  2. 2.Behavioral Science :- Psychology & Sociology.
  3. 3.Nursing Foundation: - Fundamentals of Nursing , First Aid, Nursing foundation Practical .
  4. 4.Community Health Nursing:- Community Health Nursing-1, Environmental Hygiene, Health Education & communication skills, Nutrition.
  5. 5.English .
  6. 6.Computer Education.

Subjects for GNM 2nd year :-

  1. 1.Medical surgical Nursing-1.
  2. 2.Medical surgical Nursing-II
    Medical surgical Nursing I & II Practical .
  3. 3.Mental Health Nursing and Practical .
  4. 4.Child Health Nursing and its practical .

Subjects for GNM 3rd year Part I :-

  1. 1.Midwifery and Gynecological Nursing and practical.
  2. 2.Community Health Nursing –II & Practical.

Subjects for GNM 3rd year Part II :- (Internship )

  1. 1.Nursing Education .
  2. 2.Introduction to Research.
  3. 3.Professional Trends and adjustment.
  4. 4.Nursing Administration and Ward management.

Subjects for B.Sc 1st year :-

  1. 1.English.
  2. 2. Anatomy & Physiology.
  3. 3. Nutrition & Bio-Chemistry.
  4. 4. Nursing Foundation.
  5. 5. Psychology.
  6. 6. Microbiology.
  7. 7. Introduction to Computer.

Subjects for B.Sc 2nd year :-

  1. 1. Sociology.
  2. 2. Medical- Surgical Nursing –I.
  3. 3. Pharmacology, Pathology , Genetics.
  4. 4. Community Health Nursing –I.
  5. 5. Communication & Educational Technology.

Subjects for B.Sc 3rd year :-

  1. 1. Medical-Surgical Nursing –II.
  2. 2. Child Health Nursing.
  3. 3. Mental Health Nursing.

Subjects for B.Sc 4th year :-

  1. 1. Midwifery & Obstetrical Nursing.
  2. 2. Community Health Nursing-II.
  3. 3. Nursing Research & Statistics.
  4. 4. Management of Nursing services & Educational.

Eligibility to Appear For Examination

  1. The student shall be eligible for admission to the examination if:
  2. 1.  Student has completed eleven months (11Months) of the course and that her total performance has been satisfactory during that period as per the INC norms .
  3. 2.  Student has attended 100 % field (clinical) experience during the year.
  4. 3.  Student practical experience record shall be up to date.
  5. 4.  Only English is to be used to write council Examination.
  6. 5.  If all the outstanding dues are cleared.