Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8 Am to 5 Pm
Government seats
Management | Yearly (In Rs.) |
Admission Fees for GNM | 60,200/- Rs. |
Admission Fees for B.Sc. | 60,400/- Rs. |
Mess Charges | 4500/-Rs (Monthly) |
Note : Transport, Miscellaneous, Incidental Expenses, Specialtise Clinical Training expenses as well as uniform, books & stationary etc. will be on actual cost only.
House Examination / Final Examination Fee will be paid by the candidate only as notified by the examination authorities and will be collected separately from the candidate.
Note :- Students will not be permitted to sit for final examination unless the candidate does not complete 75% theoretical and 100% practical attendance. Students will not be permitted to sit in final examination unless all the dues are not cleared and clearance of all dues are obtained on time from Accounts Department and duly Submitted to the Principal of the institution.