• Near Head Post office , Dhalpur Kullu (HP)-175101
  • christianinstitution@gmail.com

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturday - 8 Am to 5 Pm


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Fax. No. 09102-225788, Phone : 01902-224639, 09418008888, 7018189461

Rules and Regulations of the Institution & Hostel


  1. 1. Every student is requires to attend the 75% regular classes appear in the final examination. Any student who is late may not be allowed to enter the lecture or the practical hall.
  2. 2. On Professor’s or Teacher’s entering the classroom the students shall rise and remain standing until they are desired to sit. No student should leave the lecture and practical hall without the permission of the Professor / Teacher.
  3. 3. Student are not permitted to remain in the lecture room except during the prescribed hour of the lecture.
  4. 4. Student must not leave the hostel / institution without the permission of the Principal Managing Director/Chief Executive officer of the management .
  5. 5. Any student breaking or damaging any hostel or institute property shall be required to pay the cost towards repair or the replacement.
  6. 6. Every student should wishes her Teacher on the occasion of his first meeting in the institution or outside.
  7. 7. Students are required to observe order and quietness all the times in the institution/hostel premises .
  8. 8. Students are prohibited to smoke and drink in the institution /hostel campus.
  9. 9. The decision of the Managing Director/ Chief Executive officer of the organization in all cases shall be final.
  10. 10. No association can be formed in the institution/hostel.
  11. 11. No student is permitted to write anything on the blackboard until asked by the teacher to do so.
  12. 12. Student should not be allowed to take part in any kind of politics which is totally prohibited in institutional /hostel area.
  13. 13. Study material or books or uniforms shall be given to the candidates only after she has remitted the full cost of the items required.
  14. 14. As there are usually heavy demands for seats, the management of the institution cannot give the guarantee of a seat of the student even if a student passes the test and the interview and pays all the necessary fees. If the seats are not available, the institute will return the full payment received.
  15. 15. The institute shall observe that all the gazette holidays are observed by the state government and central government.
  16. 16. The institute may sue or be sued in respect of any breach of contract on the part of the student or of the institute/hostel or such proceeding shall be instituted by the civil court Kullu (HP).
  17. 17. The Director/Secretary/Principal reserves the right to screen all the postal correspondence of the staff and student for up keeping the morality and discipline of the institution since both men and women will be working.
  18. 18. Service disciplinary procedure will be taken against the students who will be found involved in immoral conduct in or outside the institute.
  19. 19. Leave shall be sanctioned (outside leave given by the institute) only after receiving written intimation from the parents.
  20. 20. Leave will be granted only for the following.
  21. 21. Immediate brother’s/sister’s marriage.
  22. 22. Serious misshapen in the family
  23. 23. Students who leave before or return late from leave sanctioned by the institute will have to pay a heavy fine .
  24. 24. Dues must be paid on the date set by the institution, otherwise a late fee Rs. 50/- per day will be charged.
  25. 25. Students who remain absent from the class without permission for 6 days continuously shall have her name struck off the roll.
  26. 26. If candidates enrolled in the institution , leave the training program/ Hostel in between she has to pay the total fee for the training course for the complete academic session.

Hostel Rules And Regulations

Hostel facilities are available for Girls only . Fresh students admitted to the institution will be provided with hostel accommodation on request as hostel is compulsory as per the terms and conditions of Himachlal Pradesh Nursing Registration Council, Government of Himachal Pradesh and Indian Nursing Council, Government of India. Monthly charges including boarding, lodging electric and water charged etc. will be on the basic of no profit no loss. The hostellers have to follow the following rules and regulations:

  1. 1. Hostel is compulsory for the nursing students.
  2. 2. Hostellers will be responsible for their rooms and furniture provided to them. A fine will be imposed on those who damage the building and furniture or mess utensils.
  3. 3. No visitors are allowed to the premises before 8 AM and after 6 PM.
  4. 4. Friends are not allowed to visit in the hostel/ rooms etc.
  5. 5. Ragging in the hostel is prohibited. Any inmate involved in ragging will be liable to be expelled from the hostel by the warden or by the management of the institution.
  6. 6. No hostler will be allowed to keep any person as a relative /parents/friends in her room and will not give shelter to any anti-national or anti-social element. If a student is found to have such a person in her room, she and warden of the hostel will be liable to summary expulsion.
  7. 7. No misbehavior or misconduct with another hostel inmate/ warden will be tolerated; it may result in the expulsion from the hostel.
  8. 8. Each hostel as far as possible, shall have a common mess for all hostlers which shall be under the control of the mess superintendent / warden.
  9. 9. Students guilty of illegitimate use of electricity will be fined up to Rs. 50/- in addition to the cost of repair and the incident will be reported to the director/ Principal for disciplinary action.
  10. 10. Do not keep any electrical appliances, namely radio sets and room heaters. In case any of the students makes use of the above items, they have to pay extra for the same. Any students desiring to absent herself from the hostel after the roll call shall obtain the written permission of the Principal / Managing Director .
  11. 11. Any one found involved in criminal offence after being admitted as a hosteller will be expelled from the hostel and Institution.
  12. 12. Monthly mess bills are to be deposited by the 5th of every month otherwise fine will be charged Rs. 50/- per day.
  13. 13. The residents are required to write the provisional date of their return in the register before going out of the station/ the hostel.
  14. 14. Parents/ guardians will not be permitted to stay overnight with the hosteller.
  15. 15. Principal / director shall have the right to open all the mail addressed to the students if found necessary and if in the events of mischief/ foul play or any other reason, the principal/ director/ Warden is in power to check the rooms and boxes of the students.
  16. 16. Jurisdiction of the Christian Nursing College is at Kullu District court only .
  17. 17. Admission to the hostel is purely on the discretion of the director/ Principal as per the rules provided by Government of Himachal Pradesh and Indian Nursing Council –Government of India
  18. 18. No resident of the hostel will be absent from the hostel without a previous written application from the parents which must be first sanctioned by the principal / director.
  19. 19. No hostel servant may be disciplined by any student , nor any servant may be sent without permission of the director / principal/ warden.
  20. 20. No one is allowed to keep pets in the hostel.
  21. 21. No cooking is allowed in the hostel rooms
  22. 22. Gambling is prohibited in the hostel premises
  23. 23. No hostel inmate will keep any weapons or firearms or even a big knife.
  24. 24. Possession and use of liquor or any form of intoxicant by a resident within the hostel premises is strictly forbidden. Any student found drunk / intoxicated will be expelled from the hostel and institution by the Warden/ Director/ Principal.
  25. 25. The parents will intimate the principal / director at the time of admission the name of relative who would visit the women residents. The relationship of the persons should be specifically mentioned in the space provided in the admission form with the relative’s signature. The warden will have the sole right to allow or disallow the visitors.
  26. 26. Male visitors will not be allowed in any resident’s room.
  27. 27. Do not keep electrical appliances , namely, radio sets, room heaters, water rods and music sets. If in case any of the girls make use of the above items, they must pay extra for the same.
  28. 28. Avoid possession of any jewelry’s valuable articles or large sums of money in room. In case of any theft or loss of the same, the institute will not be responsible at all.
  29. 29. Two girls residents who want to go home for any reason would first submit a written application from home .application must get sanctioned by the principal and on this basis they will seek the matron’s permission to leave the hostel, failing which the entire responsibility will be of the students or their parents only.
  30. 30. No male student will be permitted in the girl’s hostel for any reason.